Inspirational Leadership – Leading With Sense

About Leading with Sense

Leadership is changing. In today's world, a top-down leadership approach is no longer viable. What are the skills and mindsets you need to master to lead in the new world of work?
This Executive Education Course teaches participants new leadership approach based on relational competence, where effective communication and relations with others are key to strong performance.
This 3-day intensive course will enable leaders and managers to switch from a top-down, leadership , with emphasis on authority, to be an open leadership based on trust and sense.

Definition of Sense

Leadership as a social process means that leaders should have the ability to influence others. To do this, a leader needs to give hope (willpower), clarity and consistency.

Relational Competence

Authentic leadership models, based on establishing relationships has been shown to increase the effectiveness of the leader and thus increase the efficiency and productivity of the organisation. To neglect the relational competence is to neglect the higher-order needs of being purposeful and effective in any leadership and management role.


August 19-21, 2021 (5-9pm daily)

Venue  – GIMPA Executive Conference Centre

Rate – 450 per person (Includes course materials, venue, meals, certificate of participation, end of course networking cocktail)


Contact for Registration and Course Brochure

+233548359141 or +233209749930

Start Time

5:00 pm

August 19, 2021

Finish Time

9:00 pm

May 21, 2020


GIMPA Executive Conference Centre